Alone in Antigua
After 10 fantastic days spent with Carrie in Antigua, Guatemala I found myself alone because she had to…
The Wonderful World of Weaving in Guatemala
After Carrie and I gingerly made our way down the steps from our hotel room (the after affect…
Picking our way up Pacaya
The Pacaya volcano tour is one of those “must do’s” while in Antigua, Guatemala. Pacaya is one of…
Lolligagging in Lago de Atitlan
A short shuttle drive from Chichi landed us in the town of Panajachel, the gateway of sorts to…
Market Day in Chichicastenango (“Chichi”)
The wild ride on the chicken bus came to an end at Chichi. Phew! As soon as we…
Chicken bus to ChiChi
Oh Dios mio! What a ride. Within about thirty seconds both Carrie and I felt a sudden urge…
Monterrico es muy bonito!
I heard Carrie’s alarm going off for about fifteen minutes so finally I dragged myself out of bed,…
Amigos en Antigua
We made it to Antigua! Carrie and I flew in on different flights, but just 20 minutes apart.…
One week and counting! Packed for Central America.
In exactly one week from now I will have landed in Guatemala City! I am so fortunate to…

Hi! I’m Audrey – aka The Novel Tourist. I’m an eager adventurer who usually has her nose in a book or a book in her ears.
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