Alone in Antigua

After 10 fantastic days spent with Carrie in Antigua, Guatemala I found myself alone because she had to return home. I spent the morning roaming around and taking some more pictures of this quaint city, the second capital of Guatemala. At 2:00 p.m. I met Marco (my personal concierge, apparently, in Guatemala) at my hotel,…

After 10 fantastic days spent with Carrie in Antigua, Guatemala I found myself alone because she had to return home. I spent the morning roaming around and taking some more pictures of this quaint city, the second capital of Guatemala.








At 2:00 p.m. I met Marco (my personal concierge, apparently, in Guatemala) at my hotel, who introduced me to Gustavo, my maestro (teacher) for the next two days. Gustavo and I walked to the McDonald’s which has a beautiful park like picnic area and he rapidly helped me get my Spanish speaking abilities up to speed. I must say, 4 hours of language class is exhausting! The next day I met Gustavo at McDonald’s again for another 4 hours of classes. Sadly, I completely forgot to take any pictures of Gustavo.

Around 2:00 p.m. Rhiannon, my friend from Harrisburg who I first met Couchsurfing in Ireland, finally made it to Antigua, She had a grueling trip having taken a bus from Pittsburgh to New York City, a plane to Guatemala City and then, finally, a shuttle to Antigua. She met a new friend along the way, Trent, a young fellow from North Carolina on his first trip abroad. We adopted him. lol. We helped him find his hostel, Holistico, and ended up loving it and decided to stay there, too. The owner was super nice!


Fairly quickly we met Evelyn and Brittany. Suddenly, I was no longer alone in Antigua, and had new friends to boot! The five of us took a walking tour (free, thanks to Brittany’s app!) around Antigua starting at Cerro de la Cruz, a mountain top lookout over Antigua.






It’s fun how things happen while traveling about. Trent and Evelyn decided to join Rhi and I on our journey to Copan Ruins, Honduras. More on that, and the insane bus ride and border crossing next post.

Audrey – an amiga not so alone in Antigua.

6 responses to “Alone in Antigua”

  1. Carrie Carr Avatar
    Carrie Carr

    I am sooooooo jealous. I want to come back do bad

  2. Avery Avatar

    Love your post

    1. Audrey Avatar

      Thanks honey! I miss you!

  3. Jackie Avatar

    Safe travels friend! You always amaze me with all that you do … How many people would love to do this! Enjoy … PS I love your blog!

    1. Audrey Avatar

      Having a great time! Currently in Honduras. 🙂

    2. Audrey Avatar

      Thanks! Anything is possible if you really want it!

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